Rabu, 4 Disember 2013

Yeayyyyyyy akhirnyaa KL dapat cuti

 Akhirnyaaa diumumkan bahawa NUZUL AL-QURAN adalah Hari KELEPASAN AM untuk Kuala Lumpur dan Putrajaya...

lepas ni takde laa orang ni komplenn nak bawak kosi meja kat depan traffic light tuu sebab kat situ dah area Selangor hahahahahaha saye laa tuuu.... sebab jelesss asyik selangor jek dapat cuti kannnn... :P... UM kan KL

dannnn 3 Febuari 2014 juga dapat cutiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii tambahan !!! yeayyyy... jomm terbangg!

kredit info:

Selasa, 3 Disember 2013

yeayyyyy hai Vietnam!

haiii betnamm....
muahahahahaha ni cerita zaman berzamannn... 
TAPIII tahun ni tauu masih valid utk dikongsi kan  kan kan kannnnn

tunggguuu next entry tauu

kenapa saya rasa...
 *sentap di Vietnam

Isnin, 2 Disember 2013

Jom buat DETOX!

Start hari ni saya buat detoxxxxx!!! 
sebab lomakkk dah bertingkekk2 nii haaaaaaaaaaaa....

jommm detox!

pernah cubaaa seblum ni..
perut flattt jek...
senang membuang...
berat kurang gak...

nk beli produk slimmingg ni ongkosnyaa kurengg
hehehe... diet sendiri2 sudah
yang penting jiwa KENTAL!!
kental ker??


Detox Drink: Ginger Cucumber

Ginger & Cucumber Detox Drink that is amazingly refreshing and has a whole host of health benefits. It detoxes, flushes out bloat, reduces inflammation, aids digestion, relieves pain and sore throats and benefits skin.

Cucumbers are excellent for detoxing because they are mainly water. They flush out bloat and help with hydration. They are also full of electrolytes and help reduce inflammation. Cucumbers are also high in vitamin A, C, K, calcium, and potassium. [source]

Ginger is great for nausea, digestion, and as a decongestant.

Cayenne pepper is anti-flu, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, aids in digestion, a pain reliever, and is great for a sore throat. It is also wonderful for detoxing because it is considered a circulatory stimulant. You can read more about cayenne pepper here.

Lime juice is a good source of vitamin C and helps to cure scurvy and gout. According to Organicfacts.net lime contains acids that breakdown the macro molecules of food, it also stimulates the digestive system and increases the amount of digestive juices. Plus it's good for your skin!

Parsley contains vitamin A, C, and K which aids in having a healthy immune system.

 saya belum cuba lagi... hehehehe... just nak share info ni dengan uolss
akan cuba...
nanti saya bgtau yek...
